I am thrilled to announce that Duckmaster dropped a sneak peek of Pond Academy - a platform custom-built for high quality content creators in the Web3 space. Read on to learn more about the academy and why you should mint a pass!
I’ve also got a sneak peek of the Eternal War game, plus updates on Christmas gifts and what you should do with them next. And don't forget, there are some important reminders for you as well.
No need for holy water (I’m feeling more like bubble tea today) but if you haven’t explained Pond Academy to everyone in your circle then this is the newsletter to share!
— Chicken Jr.
In this Issue
Xmas Gifts
Pond Academy
Eternal War Sneak Peek
From the Community 🦆
Xmas Gifts
If you received a Christmas Gift, it’s time to use them!

Pond Academy
Duckmaster dropped this sneak peek in the pond yesterday!
What is Pond Academy?
Pond Academy is a platform that helps content creators in Web3 generate alternative income by recommending their favorite projects on Twitter. Studies show that people are more likely to be influenced by those in their close circles and that smaller audiences often have higher engagement. Pond Academy aims to decentralize influence by training people to create impactful content and monetize their recommendations of Web3 projects through the platform. To join the academy, mint a pass and gain access to learn from professionals while earning non-traditional income for sharing their thoughts on Twitter.
Learn more in this Twitter Thread:

When will Pond Academy launch?
How to join Pond Academy?
Pond academy is still minting. There will be a total of 8,709 passes.
Mint a Pond Academy Pass here
View the Pond Academy Pass on Opensea
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Eternal War Sneak Peek

From the Community

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